N.D. Rao



Photo credit: Woody Roseland


N.D. Rao is a creative writer and entrepreneur exploring postcolonial futures.

His work has been published or is forthcoming in The Festival Review, Kajal Magazine, Coe Review, RIZE by Running Wild Press, Allegory Ridge’s fiction anthology, Archipelago, and the World Futures Review’s special edition, Postnormal Matters.

He is working on a debut novel and short story collection. He is a 2023 Roots Wounds Words Fellow for speculative fiction. He was a participant in OneStory’s Summer Writer’s Workshop with Matthew Salesses (2021) and Aspen Summer Words with Lan Samantha Chang (2022). He formerly served as a reader at Atticus Review and co-chaired Kundiman’s Bay Area chapter.

He minored in Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University and is enrolled in a lifelong, self-guided, real-world MFA at various online, offline, and in-between-the-lines programs. He currently lives in California’s East Bay (on Ohlone Land) with his wife and son, where he operates Patchwise Labs, a creative strategy firm focused on human health and well-being.

You can also find him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Get in Touch

Send a question. Write a poem. Make an offer. It’s all up to you.